Don McCorkill Country Trophy

don mccorkill country trophy

The Country Trophy is one of the many away games the club plays each year.
In 1988 this event was contested three times.
In 2014 this event was named in honour of
Don McCorkill, one of our founding members.

1985Leanne LeBrun1986Mike LeBrun1987Don McCokill
Leanne LeBrun
1988Gordon Page
Don McCorkill
Smithy McPhee
1989Graham Campbell
Pat Pereira
1990Robert Sterling
G. Hope
1991Bluey Smith
Bluey Smith
1992Jack Ebbs
Jack Ebbs
1993Bluey Smith
Don McCorkill
1994Bluey Smith
Bluey Smith
20012002Hilmar Stauden2003John Simonetti2004Brad McMurray
2005Sam Flottmann20062007Alun Wyn-Jones2008Kimberley Wilson
2009Dane O’Brien2010Jason O’Gorman2011Mario Percic2012Ed Davis
2013Ameet Shah2014Malcolm Waite2015Brad Williams2016M. Prescott
2017Trevor Bennett2018Ed Davis2019Alan Godfrey2020Alan Godfrey
2021Brad McMurray2022Jason Gale2023Piers Higham2024Terry Carney