St George’s Day

The Scots have Robbie Burns Day, the Aussies have the ANZAC Cup. So, the English thought they should have their own day as well.

1998Tony Veneris199920002001Doug Thomas
2002Murray Trefone2003Terry Nind2004Shaun O’Malley2005Brain Thomson
2006Trevor Van Luinen2007Tony Manners2008Con Pitsikas2009Steve Roberts
2010Rod Hamilton2011Sam Flottmann2012Kevin Fairhead2013Bruce Bennett
2014Kevin Surjan2015Wayne Peppernell2016Kevin Fairhead2017John Simonetti
2018 TerryCarney2019Elias Santimano2020Mark Winsor2021John Simonetti
2022 Piers Higham2023Eric Lavelle2024Kevin Surjan